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A Transformative Training

Prof. Lin postulated five categories through which we can "Cultivate Our Qi”. Adjusting your Qi changes the problems in your everyday experience:


  1. Use your mind directly

  2. Use natural forces

  3. Have your Chi adjusted by a master healer.

  4. Feng Shui

  5. Other


These five categories cover all possible ways to improve your life, your well-being, and your happiness. In the BTB Shamanic Feng Shui Training, we've added an array of Western methods that complement the Asian teachings to help us work with our western clients.


Read what our students say about the program


Our Graduates

Under the umbrella of Shamanic Feng Shui, our graduates incorporate our broad spectrum of techniques into their work helping their clients. They are effective masters in helping people cultivate their Qi and shift their energy.


They conduct Shamanic Feng Shui consultations on site or at a distance using dowsing and intuition highly enhanced by the training.  They..

  • work with clients using magical blessing rituals that clear the energy of both the clients and the environment.

  • give clients specific Shamanic rituals and meditations to practice every day to solve their problems.

  • make energetically adept changes to clients environments that make major changes in their psyche.

These methods work with clients on a very deep psychological level to change the problematic energy at it’s root. All graduates have the necessary learnings to develop a counseling or coaching practice worldwide.


What our Graduates Learned

Year 1 - Level 1 Program: Create a New Career as a Feng Shui Practitioner

  • Business & Residential Feng Shui

  • Analyzing & adjusting personal chi

  • BTB Secrets of Wealth, Money and Abundance

  • BTB Methods for Health & Healing

  • Space Clearing Methods

  • Chinese, Tibetan, Taoist, Buddhist, Shamanic Wisdom Teachings

  • I Ching, Chinese Astrology, Dowsing

  • Hands-on Coaching & Consulting

  • Emotional Healing Methods

  • Hands-on Coaching & Consulting for yourself and clients.


They were required to pass Level 1  exams to qualify for Level 2.


Year 1 Students received these Unique BTB Benefits 

  • Their Own Home Consultation (Value $1,000)

  • Teachers who were Feng Shui Masters

  • 100 hours Classroom Teaching

  • 18+ hours On-site Consultations

  • 10+ hours Personal Mentoring

    • Apprenticing is the traditional and most effective way to learn Feng Shui!​

  • Strong support from teachers and peers, during and after training

  • Ability to begin (supervised) paid consultations early in their training


Year 2 & 3 Program Descriptions:

BTB Feng Shui Year 2 Description (pdf)

BTB Feng Shui Year 3 Description (pdf)

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BTB Students at Summer Retreat

Welcome to our Summer Retreat
Year 3 Class Altar
Morning Chi Kung
In Class, Deep in Thought
Gathering Around the Fireplace
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